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Tuesday 8 July 2014

Tips to stop a cheating man

Most Women think Men do cheat cause they choose to but sometimes men cheat cause you didn't do your part, Men need to been taken care of just like women. If you fail to show your man his the only one in your Life then you gonna have big problem with your relationship, Men cheat cause they lack your attention. 
Below are few ways to keep your man happy

1. Show/Tell How Much You Love
You are both married, engage or dating because you love each other. 

Before Leaving For work or when you are free just send A text or Call telling him how much you love him, trust me it will make him feel special and bring effect on him.

2. Be supportive to him
Encourage him if he wants to try something new. 

Support him if he’s going through a rough time in life.
Generally, men do not open up as easily as women do, ask him when u notice unusual mode.   Support him, and at the same time, respect his privacy.
3. Trust Him.
Learn to trust your man, I know its hard but if you have doubts about him talk to him rather than stalking him.

4. Be attractive Always
It is possible that your man has lost interest because you have changed significantly—emotionally and physically. Being attractive is important in keeping a relationship alive and healthy. You do not have to look like a Model, but maintain your original shape.

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